Bay Bridge Boat Show and SPring Sail SHow 2023
Pinch me!!! I get to go to boat shows for FREEE~!!!!! It’s the thing I said I wanted to do, and now I think I may have found the answer to what I want to be doing while I’m at the show because I get to do it at The Bay Bridge Boat Show and The Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show!!!
I get to host a panel where I talk to other youtube sailors about boat shows in a Q&A format. This time I get to do it with Ryan & Sophie Sailing (go check out my interview with Sophie on my podcast) and MJ Sailing!!!

Okay, let’s get some more details going if you want to see when/where we’re gonna be for this fun chat!!
Bay Bridge Boat Show – April 14-16, 2023:
3:30pm Friday and Saturday at the Queen Anne’s County Stage! Then stick around for the BANDS!
Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show – April 28-30, 2023:
Friday 4:30pm in Tent C
BONUS >> 5:00PM “Boaters for the Bay” I’ll be chatting with the folks who want to keep the fishies swimming and Oysters filtering!!!
3:00pm-5:00pm – Schooner Woodwind is doing a super-special Creator’s Sailing with MJ Sailing, Ryan and Sophie Sailing!!!! We’re gonna talk about floating history while we’re sailing!!!! This is an extremely limited event with only 30 tickets:
GET YOUR TICKETS TO THAT HERE: AND USE My Promo code!!!!! “boomies23”
Ed Pickering
I want in!